1. 招生专业:面向所有专业,同等条件下“双一流”学科优先
2. 招生层次:硕士研究生,博士研究生
3. 奖学金期限:2-5年,包括汉语补习和专业学习时间。汉语补习资助期限一般为1年,硕士专业学习资助期限2-3年,博士专业学习资助期限4年。
1. 资助内容:全额奖学金,包括学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险费
2. 资助标准:按照中国政府奖学管理规定执行
1. 非中国籍公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,无不良行为记录,遵守中国政府的法律、法规和学校的规章制度。
2. 申请攻读硕士学位者,应当具有学士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过35周岁;申请攻读博士学位者,应当具有硕士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过40周岁
3. 语言要求
(2)英文授课项目申请者,需提供英语水平证明,托福(TOEFL)需达到90分,雅思(IELTS)需达到 6.5分。不能提供标准化英语测试证明的,上一阶段学位学习使用英语教学的申请者,需提供相关证明。母语为英语的申请者,可以免除提供上述英语水平证明。
1. 暨南大学网上申请。申请人登录暨南大学研究生招生信息网(https://yz.jnu.edu.cn/),进入“留学生报名系统”,提交网上申请。同时,将暨南大学申请材料提交至申请专业所在学院。
2. 学院审核及面试。学院对申请材料进行初审,并对符合条件者组织面试,并将推荐人选名单提交至研究生招生办公室。
3. 研究生院复审。研究生招生办公室对学院推荐名单进行复核,确定学校提名人选名单,并为获得提名资格者出具预录取证明。
4.奖学金网上申请。获得学校提名资格者,登录“中国政府奖学金来华留学管理信息系统”(http://www.campuschina.org),在线填写《中国政府奖学金申请表》并提交所需申请材料;暨南大学招生代码为 : 10559;“高水平研究生”中国政府奖学金项目类别为:B类。申请人必须在网上申请中上传学校研究生招生办公室开具的预录取函,否则申请不予接受。
序号 | 流程 | 截止时间 |
1 | 学生提交暨南大学网上申请 | 2025年2月4日至3月3日 |
2 | 学院审核、复试并确定拟录取名单 | 2025年3月11日 |
3 | 研招办复核并确定提名名单,出具预录取函 | 2025年3月18日 |
4 | 学生完成中国政府奖学金网上申请 | 2025年3月25日 |
1. 申请人申请本奖学金项目,须完成两项网上申请。首先完成暨南大学网上申请,获得预录取资格后,方能提交奖学金网上申请。
2. 申请人在进行暨南大学网上申请时,须同时将申请材料电子扫描版通过邮件发送至申请专业所在学院。
3. 申请人应在获得暨南大学研招办开具的预录取函后,开始进行奖学金网上申请。学生可在获得预录取函前提前准备其他申请材料,以更加高效地完成奖学金网上申请。
4. 获得学校提名资格的申请人,将经过国家留学基金管理委员会组织的专家评审,方能最终确定奖学金申请结果;最终结果以留学基金委通知为准。
Jinan University 2025 Chinese Government Scholarship “High Level Postgraduate Program” Application Guide
I. Major, Level of Study and Scholarship term
1. Majors available: All programs on postgraduate level are open for application, programs in Double First-Class are preferred.
2. Level of study: Postgraduate, including master and Ph.D. programs.
3. Term of the scholarship: 2-5 years, including Chinese Language course and Major Study. The term of Chinese Language year is generally 1 year, the term of Master Major Study is 2 -3years, and the term of PhD Major Study is 4 years.
II. Scholarship Content and Criteria
1. Subsidy Content: Full Scholarship, including tuition fees, accommodation expenses, living expense and comprehensive medical insurance fees.
2. Funding Criteria:in accordance with the management regulations of Chinese Government Scholarship
III. Application Criteria
1. Non-Chinese citizens, holding a valid foreign passport, be in good health, have good conduct, have no bad behavior records, and abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of the University;
2. Applicants for a Master's degree should have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent, have excellent academic performance and be generally no older than 35 years old; applicants for a doctoral degree should have a master's degree or equivalent, have excellent academic performance and be generally no older than 40 years old.
3. Language proficiency requirements(1)Applicants for graduate programs taught in Chinese can only apply if their Chinese proficiency has reached at least HSK level 4. Applicants having HSK Level 5 (inclusive) or above can apply to directly enter humanities and social science majors; those who reach HSK Level 4 with a score of 195 points can apply to directly enter science, engineering, and medical programs. Those who do not meet the above language requirements can apply for additional Chinese language course for one year. Only after meeting the above requirement can they start their study as graduate student.(2)Applicants for English-taught programs must provide proof of English proficiency, with a TOEFL score of 90 and an IELTS score of 6.5. If you are unable to provide proof of a standardized English test, applicants whose previous degree studies were taught in English must provide relevant proof. Applicants whose native language is English are exempt from providing the above-mentioned English proficiency certificate.
IV. Application Proces
1. Online application for Jinan University. Applicants log in to the Jinan University Graduate Admissions Information Network (https://yz.jnu.edu.cn/), enter the International Student Application System and submit an online application. At the same time, submit all the necessary application documents to the college/school.
2. College review. The college will conduct a preliminary review of the application materials, then organize interviews for qualified candidates, and submit the list of recommended candidates to the Graduate Admissions Office.
3. Review by the Graduate School. The Graduate Admissions Office will review the college's recommendation list, determine the University's nominees, and issue Pre-admission Letters to those nominated.
4. Apply Online for Scholarship. Those who have obtained the Pre-admission Letters should log in to the Chinese Government Scholarship Study Abroad Management Information System (http://www.campuschina.org), fill out the Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form online and submit the required application materials; the Agency Number for Jinan University Admissions is: 10559; the category of the High-Level Postgraduate Chinese Government Scholarship Project is: Category B. Applicants must upload the Pre-admission letter issued by the Graduate Admissions Office of Jinan University in the online application, otherwise the application will not be accepted.
Sequence | Schedule | Duration and Deadline |
1 | Online application for Jinan University | Feb.2 to Mar.3, 2025
2 | College Review | Mar.11, 2025 |
3 | Second Revciew and Pre-admission | Mar.18, 2025 |
4 | Online application for Chinese Government Scholarship | Mar. 25, 2025 |
V. Warm Reminders
1. Applicants must complete two online applications to apply for this scholarship program. First, complete the online application of Jinan University. Only after obtaining the pre-admission letter can you submit the online application for the scholarship.
2. When applying online at Jinan University, applicants must also send the digital scanned version of the application documents to the college of the applied major by email.
3. Applicants should start the online application for the scholarship after receiving the pre-admission letter issued by the Graduate Admissions Office of Jinan University. Students can prepare other application documents in advance before receiving the pre-admission letter to complete the online application for the scholarship more efficiently.
4. Applicants who are nominated by Jinan University will be subject to the expert review organized by China Scholarship Council before the final result of the scholarship application can be determined; the final result is subject to the notice of China Scholarship Council.
5. Please scan the QR code below to obtain the application documents list, the List of Jinan University Graduate Programs for International Students, and the admissions contact information of each college.
Office of Graduate Admissions
Tel: 0086-20-85223932
International Student Office
Tel: 0086-20-85226165
Email: ocsc@jnu.edu.cn